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Endovascular Repair of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)

Endovascular Repair of AAA ... a bulge in the wall of the large artery below your heart that is at risk for rupture. During ... . The bulge is caused by a weak section in the artery wall. The bulge is at risk of tearing. During the

Discharge Instructions for Open Rotator Cuff Repair

is made:  Hold on to the back of a chair. Or lean on a tabletop with your healthy hand. Let ... number of circles to 50 in each direction every  2  hour s. Incision care Check your incision

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)

Wound Care, NPWT ... ) Proper training in dressing changes can help reduce the risk of these problems. Also, your healthcare ... bodies. A wound vacuum device (wound vac) removes this pressure over the area of the wound. This can ... wound care;vacuum-assisted wound closure;VAC;wound suction;NPWT;wound therapy;wound vac;381

Making the Home Environment Safe

rugs or carpeting to reduce the risk of falls. Kitchen, main living area, and stairs __ Store ... tub. __ Store all prescription and over-the-counter medicines in original containers and in a safe ... home safety;home safety checklist;P00601;fall prevention;carbon monoxide detectors;smoke detectors

Surgical Site Infections

Understanding Surgical Site Infections ... symptoms of specific types of SSI: A superficial incisional SSI may produce pus from the wound site ... they occur on the part of the body where the surgery took place. Surgical Site Infections Your ... infection;wound care;surgical site infection;superficial incisional SSI;deep incisional SSI;organ SSI;space SSI;144

Get Your Z’s to Control Your COPD

the risk for flare-ups of your COPD. These episodes are called exacerbations. When they occur, it’s ... ways to slow the progression of COPD. And another new study suggests kicking the habit can also reduce

Reducing Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs): Posture

*MSD Reducing Risk Posture ... Standing, sitting, and moving incorrectly all increase your risk of musculoskeletal disorders ... correct most posture problems. Reducing Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs): Posture Standing ... 85589;Reducing risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs): Posture

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL): Newly Diagnosed

*ALL Newly Diagnosed ... who specializes in treating cancers of the blood, including leukemia. Bone marrow ... team as well. They will answer any questions you may have. They’ll help you through each of the steps ... ALL;diagnosis of ALL;balld1

Diabetes During Pregnancy: Risks to the Baby

Mother with Diabetes: The Baby ... best way to reduce your baby’s risks. You’ll likely need to do the following to care for your diabetes ... When a mother has diabetes, her baby is at risk for problems. Read on to learn more. Infant of

When a Patient Falls

*Staff Ed When Patient Falls ... Help a falling patient to the floor with as little impact as possible. This will prevent ... injury to the patient, as well as protect your back. When a Patient Falls Once the momentum has ... When a patient falls;Staff Education;patient care;moving patients;patient falls;fall prevention;82560

CT Scan of the Liver and Biliary Tract

*CT Scan of the Liver and Biliary Tract ... the liver and biliary tract. What are the risks of a CT scan of the liver and biliary tract ... any special care after a CT scan of the liver and biliary tract. You may go back to your usual diet ... CT Scan of the Liver and Biliary Tract;p07691

Breast Anatomy

The Parts of the Breast ... can learn what's normal for your breasts. Areola. A dark circle of skin that surrounds the ... It's helpful to learn about the parts (anatomy) of your breasts. Then you know what you're

Living with Osteoporosis: Preventing Fractures

If you have osteoporosis, you can do a lot to reduce its effect on your life. Knowing how to ... a lot to reduce its effect on your life. Knowing how to prevent fractures and spinal curvature can

Understanding the Risks and Side Effects of Opioid Medicines

*Opioids Risks ... Opioid Medicines: Risks and Side Effects ... opioids are taken as directed under the care of a healthcare provider. Understanding the differences ... . Understanding the Risks and Side Effects of Opioid Medicines When opioids are taken as prescribed ... 90893;Understanding the Risks and Side Effects of Opioid Medicines;opioid use;pain management;risks ... of opioids;pain relief;opioid overdose;opioid abuse;medicine safety;opioid-use disorder;Naloxone

Help Your Babysitter Prepare for Anything

Finding the Right Babysitter ... on a couch or armchair puts the infant at a much higher risk of death, including SIDS. Don't ... will prevent them from getting overheated, reducing the risks for SIDS. Signs of overheating are

5 Health Benefits of Jumping Rope

, jumping rope counts as a vigorous aerobic activity. That means you’ll get all the benefits of cardio ... . And once you get the go-ahead, ease in. When you’re ready, all you need is a low-cost rope and a

Step-by-Step: Heelstick for a Baby

first drop of blood with gauze. Gently squeeze one drop of blood into each circle on the collection ... sheet or squeeze the specified amount of blood into a test tube or onto a test strip. Apply

Understanding a Clavicle Fracture

A fracture of the clavicle is a broken collarbone. Clavicle fractures occur most often along ... the middle of the bone. Depending on how badly the bone is broken, healing may take a few ... 90671;clavicle fracture;broken collarbone;sports injury;fall injury;trauma

CT Scan of the Abdomen

scan, an X-ray beam moves in a circle around your body. This allows many different views of the same ... abdomen. Check with your healthcare provider for more information. What are the risks of a CT scan

Understanding a Wrist Sprain

A wrist sprain can be painful. It can also limit movement and use of the wrist and hand ... . The wrist has many ligaments. If any of these get stretched or torn, this is called a wrist sprain. A ... 90645;wrist sprain;wrist pain;sports injury;fall injury

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